As our climate changes, Smart Gardens create shelter that makes our homes more comfortable, our food gardens more productive and our habitat gardens a better respite for wildlife from summer heat.
Clever garden design can change indoor temperatures by up to 8°C and save hundreds of dollars on energy bills. We use trees and vines to keep the sun off walls and windows in summer, and position plants that drop leaves to let the sun through in winter. We prune large evergreen trees so that winter sun shines under the canopy and locate windbreaks to block the hottest and coldest winds throughout the year.
Latest Events
Join free events in your neighbourhood and online. Get your questions answered by local experts with reliable, practical advice. Enjoy tours of inspirational places and meet your local gardening community. Bring any surplus seeds, plants and produce to swap and share too!
Missed an event? Check out previous event notes and recordings, plus videos from our local gardening experts.
Private: Designing and planting your home orchard
Our Focus
My Smart Garden is a free program that will help you grow food, shelter your home from the sun and wind, create homes for native plants and animals, use water wisely and reduce waste. Learn about the five themes: